Any employees that have suffered an injury or illness that is work related or due to their working environment has the right to make what are known as workers’ compensation claims. Employers are bound by law to have a workers’ insurance plan in place to be able to protect the company against any claim an employee may make due to being injured or being taken ill whilst carrying out their daily work routine.
Although a workers’ compensation plan may be in place and available to eligible workers this does not mean that all and every injury that has occurred in the workplace entitles the injured party to compensation. Most injuries and illnesses that can happen at work are covered by an insurance plan but there are some that do not qualify. Before filing any claim for compensation, it is wise to make sure that the injury or illness is one that will be covered under the terms and agreements of the insurance company.
Jeff with Gek Law advises, “Common types of injury that will be covered and accepted in a claim include any physical injury, diseases that are related to asbestos exposure, carpal tunnel syndrome, and also stress and mental injuries that have been caused by an unhealthy work environment.”
As far as injuries that are not covered, although these may seem obvious, are still worth mentioning and one of these is that an injury that has happened because the employee was under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In some cases an accident where the employee was negligent or irresponsible, in some States and Territories the law may also differ as to whether an employee can claim for injuries sustained on the way to or from work.
If you are injured at work, you must inform your employer as soon as possible. If you should need medical treatment keep any medical reports as these will help support your claim. Again, different States and Territories impose differing time limits in which a claim can be filed from as little as three months and in some States as long as three years so are not caught out with these limits. Any payments that are due should also be made during the claim process.
Workers’ compensation claims can be very difficult to understand when trying to figure out what is covered and it is the responsibility of every good company to make sure that their employees are fully informed as to what the insurance plan’s details are. It then falls upon the employee to make themselves knowledgeable and understand what the said insurance plan will or will not enable them to make a claim for.
No company would like to find themselves facing sanctions or in the danger of collapse due to worker’s compensation claims. A responsible company will make sure that they have taken appropriate measures not only to safeguard their employees but also the company’s reputation and well-being. Therefore, as an employee make sure that the company you are working for has a sound insurance plan in place and as an employer that your company looks after all those in the workplace.