Lawsuit Loans

How Long Does it Take to Settle a Personal Injury Case

Lawsuit Cash Advances provide a different service for each and every plaintiff. For some it’s the ability to remain patient until their case achieves maximum value, for others, it’s a bridge for necessary expenses just to maintain their monthly expenses, and for others still it provides an opportunity to get something today for a case that could ultimately end up with no compensation whatsoever. Whatever the use may be, the ultimate choice lies with the consumer, and in any industry that simply is a positive.

It is estimated that every year there were over 10 million lawsuits considered to be “active” in the system. Each year approximately 3 million new lawsuits are filed. Of course, many of the active cases will be adjudicated, but not at the same rate as new lawsuits are filed. In essence, the number of active cases in the system will continue to grow on an annual basis.

Susan at My Lawsuit Loans says, “Cases with “general negligence” that can lead to money reward to you are eligible for “advance funding”. These include all types of personal injury, car accidents, slip and fall, medical malpractice, sexual discrimination and harassment, workers compensation (in most States), pharmaceutical cases, class actions, securities fraud and cases involving all insurance companies and most corporations.” Nancy a family law attorney adds, “You can also get a lawsuit loan for a domestic violence case if damages occur.” Lawsuit Funding can provide you cash within 48-72 hours after your application.

You can begin the process online in just a few minutes.

Step 1

Complete an online form with necessary contact information for you and your lawyer and the amount you are seeking. A funding representative will call promptly to get some more accurate information about your case and begin the official application process.

Step 2

With your approval, they will request official documentation on your case from your lawyer to forward to their underwriters. Once received by the underwriters they will quickly determine your funding amount.

Step 3

Contracts will be drawn up between you, your attorney, and the underwriters involving the payment terms of the cash advance. Once executed, funds will be sent directly to you within 24-48 hours.

The lawsuit settlement advance comes in the form of a Non-Recourse Loan. Non-Recourse lawsuit loans don’t require credit checks, employment verification or any collateral and usually can be approved within 48-72 hours. This is not to be confused non-recourse debt; non-recourse loans do not require a collateral. The funding process is a zero risk proposition. The plaintiff doesn’t have to repay the loan until the case is settled, so there are no monthly payments. Because it is a “non-recourse loan”, if the case doesn’t settle you don’t have to repay the loan.

If you have a pending lawsuit and have financial needs such as medical bills, repairs, or just are in a spot you need funds now, lawsuit funding provides a fast, efficient and cost-effective way to get the cash you need now while you wait for the court system to run its course.